The Countries that have Top Mixed Martial Arts Fighters
The top three countries produce the best MMA fighters. In this article, we will examine the factors that have contributed to these athletes' top-rated performances.

In-Depth Guide - How are UFC Fights Scored?
The UFC Scoring System, The Score of the UFC Rounds, UFC Fights Judging System, How Does the Judging System Work? In this article, we will learn about all of the points related to UFC Score.

Ultimate Guide: What Happens When A UFC Fighter Misses Weight?
Missing weight means when the fighter weighs more or less than the required limit of the UFC weight division. This article will explore what happens when the fighter misses the weight.

Luke Griffith - No Gi World Champion
Luke Griffith is the black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, he is the representative of the Team New Wave. Griffith is a world champion in NOGI.

The Most Common BJJ Shrimping Mistakes
Shrimping is the basic escape method in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. BJJ practitioners find it simple, so they need help executing it properly.

Top 15 Fastest Finishes In the UFC History
Unleash the Fastest finishes in UFC History. You will witness a sensational display of explosive power in the octagon, where the fighters have knocked out their opponent in less than ten seconds.