After taking a short period of rest, two times world champion, Bianca Basilio announced her next Clash of Champions. Bia is officially scheduled to fight five times BJJ World Champion, Tammi Musumeci on 25 March. It is one of the highest anticipated matches after the 2022 ADCC final of Ffion Davies and Bia Mesquita.
Bia has maintained her winning streak as she has won the first three matches of 2023; two by advantage and one by Armbar submission. On 25 March, Bia is going to step on the mat for the fourth time at ONE Fight Night 8.
“I Had a Strong Tamper”
In a recent interview with ONEFC, Bia expressed:
“My father always said not to provoke anyone, but that if someone laid a hand on us, we should get the hell out of it, because he said we weren’t a punching bag. And he even said that if we were beaten, we would be beaten at home, too (laughs). But he also said that if I got into a fight, and I was wrong, it would get worse.
“I would fight in the street with kids, and when my brother got into a fight, we would go together. My energy was for that. When I wasn’t expending energy playing or practicing sports, I was expending energy fighting. I had a strong temper.”
She also added:
“I always liked to do right, to be fair, and to stand up for my colleagues. But I wasn’t one to talk, I wasn’t one to get into arguments. At school, I didn’t have any real friends, but I think they’d rather be on my side than against me (laughs). The funniest thing is that you looking at me today, you can’t imagine that I was like that.”
Photo Credit: @biabasiliojj and @mikeymusumeci
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