Q&A Session Between Eva Hallanger Netland and Elite Sports
Question: What will you suggest to the newcomers?
Answer: Make sure you really focus on the fundamentals before you learn flying armbars. Be patient, keep working, ask questions, Have slow rounds of rolling.
Question: What does it mean for you to be a fighter?
Answer: To me that means being able to protect myself. It means I am testing myself daily and constantly working on becoming better.
Question: What are the essential things for the training?
Answer: Feeling good and being injury free. A trainer who cares and wants to see you win in life and good training partners.
Question: What separates you from every other fighter in your division?
Answer: I am willing to make the sacrifices that is necessary to become a champion. I am strong and flexible, I never stop fighting and I never stop believing in myself.
Question: What is the meaning of success in your mind?
Answer: Success is doing what’s right. Helping others, doing what’s necessary for the bigger picture and not focusing on short time happiness.
Question: With whom you would like to fight, and why?
Answer: I would love to fight any woman that wants to test herself. But a dream one day would be Gabi Garcia she`s so awesome and a legend in the sport. It would be amazing to be on the mat with her.
Question: Is there any difference b/w your common days’ diet and during competition training diet?
Answer: Yes. I normally eat pretty good. But before a competition I would cut all the sugar and focus more on green smoothies. Veggies and whites meat. On the competition day I like to eat eggs and veggies. I like to have honey between matches and straight before. A lot of water. I don’t believe in starving yourself before competing.
Question: How does a beginner will prepare for the competition? Any advice for beginners?
Answer: To compete is overwhelming and everyone needs to learn what’s best for them. No one is the same when it comes to handle stress and uncomfortable situations. Go in with an open mind and find out what’s working for you. Remember to have fun and think about competition as testing your jiujitsu and mind. Film your matches. Don’t go down in weight, have a game plan and set your gold. Go in for gold and work focused on a game plan 2 to 3 months before the competition. Ask questions when you end up in the same place and feel stuck.
Question: How is it helpful to have the information about your competitor?
Answer: I personally don’t like it. For me it won’t matter what you have done before or what you like to do now. I will get my game.
Question: Is the martial arts necessary for a common person? How?
Answer: Yes. Everyone should have basic understanding of self-defense and how to handle being uncomfortable.
Question: How do martial arts help to build a leader?
Answer: It gives confident. Anyone who loves martial arts have to go through the grind to become better. That creates fair leaders and leaders who have gone through what the students have to. This gives you major confidence to become a leader.
Question: What would be your dream fight?
Answer: My dream fight is a super fight with the world champion in gi, my category.
Question: How is the road plan necessary for any competition?
Answer: To stay focused and determent in your fight.
Question: Do you have any advice for your competitors?
Answer: Tap fast 😊
Question: How much importance has the sports gear in any competition?
Answer: Very much. It must be in the right shape and color for the rules at the competition. You need to feel good and comfortable in your gear to perform at your best.
Question: What should we learn from the legends /or from the seniors? Who is your inspiration?
Answer: We should learn mindset from the legends. Way of thinking around jiujitsu and competing. They all have in common that they never gave up. Naturally there is all the jiujitsu and the epic fighting.
Question: To whom you would like to compliment for your success?
Answer: I would like to compliment my trainer in Voss, Jason Shields. He have believed in me and helped me create a game that works for my body and talent. He have supported me in bjj and life, he made it possible to become a champion. He pushed me to become the person I am today, best trainer and person.
Question: Who is your favorite legendary fighter? Why?
Answer: Marcello Garcia. Ricson Gracie. Romulo Barral. Gabi Garcia.
I have a lot of titles, but the most important are:
- Europeans champion in gi (2017) and nogi (2018)
- My weight category. Silver in wolds 2017.
- Abu Dhabi grand slam 2019
- Norwegian nogi champion in my category 2018